Friday 27 April 2007

Go Ballistic! Paintballistic!

Paintball is a great sport for people of all ages and it’s becoming one of the fastest growing sports in the UK.

It's currently the third most participated in extreme sport in the world with over 12 million players worldwide!

Paintball is so popular, it has even been included in a shortlist of five sports being considered for the 2012 Olympics.

Paintball is a competitive game played to win. Paintball can be like an adult version of “Tag”, only without being boring.

The most common Paintball game is "Capture the Flag". The object of this game is to go out and capture the other team's flag while protecting your own. You must do this without getting hit by a paintball. If a paintball hits you and leaves a paint mark, you are out of the game.

Paintball can be played with as few as one person (“Paintball Roulette”) or as many as 999. A game can last 10 minutes or even a whole weekend.

Paintball is an easy and safe sport and being hit by a paintball doesn’t hurt at all when you wear protective clothing. But even when a shot does hurt, it’s usually just a quick sting and you’ll forget about it a split second later.

Unfortunately you can’t play Paintball everywhere. For instance you can’t play it in shopping malls, libraries, hospitals, or on board of passenger planes!

Yet there are hundreds of commercial Paintball fields all over the country. Paintball sites often have lots of obstacles like tires or old cars set up for combatants to hide behind to make the game even more challenging. For a few quid you can play all day.

You can also play Paintball in your own backyard or in the woods.

Some good advice: never, never ever play Paintball in your own living room. The paint might ruin your expensive white Italian designer couch!

Paintball is one of the safest activities out there. It requires specific gear like a paintball marker gun, goggles to protect your eyes, and paintballs to shoot at your opponents.

There are hundreds of different ways to play Paintball, but there’s one thing that’s always the same: it’s an incredible adrenaline rush. It's like being part of a real-life video game!

So, are you man enough to compete in a game of Paintball or are you just a big wimp who's afraid of a little paint?

What are you waiting for? Get your Paintball equipment at now:

Paintball Marker Set

Everything you need to start Paintballing!

This inexpensive Paintball Marker Set starter kit contains
  • A semi-automatic Paintball Marker Gun,
  • A Hopper that sits on top of your Paintball marker gun and loads the paintballs one by one into the bore
  • A Vents Helix Goggle Mask to protect your eyes and face
  • A 7oz C02 Tank that powers your gun and which can be filled from any licensed gas stockists. It can also be filled cheaply at any paintball field, and should last through an entire day of play depending on how many paintballs you shoot.
  • A Front Piece Vest
Please note: Paintballs sold separately!

Redsave Editor

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