You? Why not - all you have to do to win this incredible sum of money is to find the solution to Eternity ii!
You can win Two Million Dollars in your spare time: Eternity Two, a 256 piece combinational puzzle, will turn the first person to solve it into a multi-millionaire and that person can be you!
It’s not rocket science and everyone who can count to ten or spell the surname of our current prime minister can find one of the countless ways to solve the puzzle. It’s so incredibly easy: All you have to do is arrange the two hundred something pieces of Eternity II so that the patterns and colours of each piece match the adjoining edge of the one next to it.
And yes, it really is as easy and uncomplicated as it sounds!
When you have completed your Eternity 2 puzzle, you must submit your solution as soon as possible. All entries will be locked away in a fireproof and airtight vault until the end of December2008, when they will be opened by an independent jury in the date order received and the first submission with a complete solution wins Two Million Dollars!
What will you do with the money? Buy a yacht or a cruiseship? Shower your loved ones with diamonds and pearls? Buy a villa in spain or even a complete island? Travel around the world in your very own Lear Jet or to outer space like that Hawkins guy? Use the money to make the world a better place? With $ 2 Million in your pocket the possibilities are really endless.
Eternity ii is the official sequel to the successful problem solving puzzle Eternity 1, that captured the imagination of countless puzzlers across the nation only eight years ago.
Winning the sensational prize money is only one of the reasons to try solving the puzzle: Eternity Two will give train your brain and reduce your stress level.
Get Eternity 2 now and get ready 2 win US $ 2 Million!
Redsave Editor
Wave "Bye bye" to moths, mosquitos, flies and other pesky insects that disturb your peace of mind with this handy Electronic Bug Zapper!
You know the story: You want to relax in your backyard, conservatory or on your patio and read the new ‘Harry Potter’, watch ‘Corrie’ on the telly, listen to Schumann’s ‘Kindertotenlieder’, phone your beloved mother-in-law or just catch some sun.
And here they come: Dragonflies, wasps, hornets, bees… Their stings hurt like heck, they can even be life-threatening to people with allergies! They don’t call them killer bees for nothing, you know?
Some unfortunate souls suffer from insect phobia and just spotting seemingly harmless butterflies or ladybugs nearby can be a living nightmare for them!
Have you ever been bitten by a spider? Well, the movies have got it all wrong, you don’t gain the proportional powers of a spider and turn into a superhero, but you might be sick for days!
Now you can fight back with the ingenious Electronic Bug Swatter!
This stupendous gadget kills insects in an instant with no mess!
Insects will be effectively electrocuted when they come into contact with the 2 layer wire live net. This is a powerful and even fun way to fry flies and you can actually work on your tennis skills while squashing the tiny pests with the tennis racket shaped bug swatter!
Using the Electronic Bug Swatter to zap those unfriendly flying insects is a million times more environmentally friendly than using pricey insect sprays that release toxic chemicals into the air and destroy the ozone layer.
Best of all, the little bugs don’t have to suffer because the Electronic Bug Zapper kills them in a swift and painless way. “Zap!” and they’re off to insect heaven.
This inexpensive Electronic Insect Swatter is of superior quality and strength and features a two layer wire net, LED lights to attracts insects to the net and give better night time efficiency and poses absolutely no hazard to pets and human beings.
You need this handy gadget for your garden or backyard and when you travel to exotic countries where dangerous bugs and spiders are just waiting to eat you alive!
Redsave Editor
Take cover, here comes the fastest flying insectoid of all time! The exciting FlyTech Dragonfly is the world’s first remote control flying insect.
The fascinating R/C Dragonfly is a flying machine that looks and sounds and even flaps its transparent wings just like the real deal. With its unique dual-wing action and “high-flex” crash-resistant structure, the ultra-light flybot is an aeronautical phenomenon that can easily perform stunts that fixed wing planes or helicopters can only dream of.
The ingenious hybrid between a robot and a real dragonfly is a fun flyer that can take off from nearly any surface, flutter, flap, soar, hover, dive-bomb and glide silently through the air for a soft landing.
The sensational Flytech Dragonfly can manoeuvre in the smallest of spaces and brings radio controlled flight into your lounge, office or porcelain shop.
You can also fly the Dragonfly outside and use it to chase and amaze your real life pets.
The Dragonfly Robot is made of a durable carbon-fiber structure and its crash-resistant flexible wings and body can survive most knocks and bumps, that might happen the first time you try it out.
Navigating the RC Insect is remarkably easy and it has beginners and expert settings, so even your kids can fly this aeronautical marvel!
The Dragonfly has a tail stabilizer for additional control, controllable wing and tail rotor speed, and you can easily recharge its lithium polymer battery from the foolproof 2 channel controller. The Dragonfly can fly for up to ten minutes from a single charge, which is quite impressive for a remote control aircraft.
Take control of the amazing Flytech Dragonfly for great indoor and outdoor fun!
Redsave Editor