You can win Two Million Dollars in your spare time: Eternity Two, a 256 piece combinational puzzle, will turn the first person to solve it into a multi-millionaire and that person can be you!

And yes, it really is as easy and uncomplicated as it sounds!
When you have completed your Eternity 2 puzzle, you must submit your solution as soon as possible. All entries will be locked away in a fireproof and airtight vault until the end of December2008, when they will be opened by an independent jury in the date order received and the first submission with a complete solution wins Two Million Dollars!
What will you do with the money? Buy a yacht or a cruiseship? Shower your loved ones with diamonds and pearls? Buy a villa in spain or even a complete island? Travel around the world in your very own Lear Jet or to outer space like that Hawkins guy? Use the money to make the world a better place? With $ 2 Million in your pocket the possibilities are really endless.
Eternity ii is the official sequel to the successful problem solving puzzle Eternity 1, that captured the imagination of countless puzzlers across the nation only eight years ago.
Winning the sensational prize money is only one of the reasons to try solving the puzzle: Eternity Two will give train your brain and reduce your stress level.
Get Eternity 2 now and get ready 2 win US $ 2 Million!
Redsave Editor
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