You know the story: You want to relax in your backyard, conservatory or on your patio and read the new ‘Harry Potter’, watch ‘Corrie’ on the telly, listen to Schumann’s ‘Kindertotenlieder’, phone your beloved mother-in-law or just catch some sun.

Some unfortunate souls suffer from insect phobia and just spotting seemingly harmless butterflies or ladybugs nearby can be a living nightmare for them!
Have you ever been bitten by a spider? Well, the movies have got it all wrong, you don’t gain the proportional powers of a spider and turn into a superhero, but you might be sick for days!
Now you can fight back with the ingenious Electronic Bug Swatter!
This stupendous gadget kills insects in an instant with no mess!
Insects will be effectively electrocuted when they come into contact with the 2 layer wire live net. This is a powerful and even fun way to fry flies and you can actually work on your tennis skills while squashing the tiny pests with the tennis racket shaped bug swatter!
Using the Electronic Bug Swatter to zap those unfriendly flying insects is a million times more environmentally friendly than using pricey insect sprays that release toxic chemicals into the air and destroy the ozone layer.
Best of all, the little bugs don’t have to suffer because the Electronic Bug Zapper kills them in a swift and painless way. “Zap!” and they’re off to insect heaven.
This inexpensive Electronic Insect Swatter is of superior quality and strength and features a two layer wire net, LED lights to attracts insects to the net and give better night time efficiency and poses absolutely no hazard to pets and human beings.
You need this handy gadget for your garden or backyard and when you travel to exotic countries where dangerous bugs and spiders are just waiting to eat you alive!
Redsave Editor
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