Thursday 15 February 2007

Plush with Brains!

Teddy bears that just look cute and cuddly are yesterday’s news. Nowadays children expect a lot more of their plushy friends!

At we have a whole range of “intelligent” plush toys to suit every taste. Even yours! If you need an “interactive” cuddly toy as a gift for a birthday, Easter, Christmas or any other special occasion, look no further. Some of these adorable teddies are even suitable for grown-ups!

Gupi is a robotised guinea pig that looks and feels like the real deal! Gupi walks around the house without bumping into anything or falling down the stairs thanks to the sensors in his eyes and legs. This adorable little critter has a very interactive playing behaviour, if you don't play with him he becomes lonely and scared and he will go hiding in a dark place. But if you caress him he will feel loved, and he will be happy. The cute little robot creates the Tamagochi binding-effect, so if you don’t want to give your child a real pet yet, Gupi is the next best thing to a living guinea pig. Click here Gupi for more information

The cute Telephone Teddy is fitted with a special double jack telephone connection and extension lead that plugs straight in to your existing telephone line. On receipt of a call just press the Teddy's paw and the answer is made through the speakers incorporated in the bear whilst it moves its mouth, giving the impression that the Teddy is actual speaking. When you want to talk back to the caller, just talk as normal and the microphone within the bear will transmit your call! The sweet and cuddly Telephone Teddy brightens up even the most unpleasant phone calls from your boss, your mother-in-law or your parole officer!

The Incredible Talk Back Owl will repeat anything you say. This amazing toy even moves its beak and flaps its wings while it talks. The perfect birthday present for young Harry Potter fans!

Recordable Love Bear: This huggable teddy has a recorder in its tummy so that you can record your special message to that someone special! The cuddly teddy records 12 seconds of sound and is re-recordable, just in case you don't get it right the first time. Perfect gift for Mother's Day, birthdays, Valentine's Day etc...
Porker, the Singing Pig is just too cute for words! His specialty is singing and dancing to 'My Girl' when you squeeze his hoof. Your kids will love this huggable plush critter!
Click here for more information on this cute telephone teddy or here for the talkback owl Editor

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